Why Democracy ?

Afis_WD Iasi

Why democracy ?

In perioada 25-29 aprilie Asociatia Pro Democratia si British Council Romania, in parteneriat cu Casa de Cultura “Mihai Ursachi” Iasi organizeaza la Iasi Festivalul de Film Documentar WHY DEMOCRACY.
Filmele din cadrul festivalului sunt parte dintr-un amplu proiect international si sunt realizate de regizori independenti premiati la festivaluri de film de notorietate. Subiectele abordate sunt dintre cele mai diverse: metodele de tortura aplicate in inchisorile americane, alegerea democratica a unui sef de clasa in China comunista, scandalul generat in comunitatea musulmana de niste benzi desenate daneze etc.
In cadrul festivalului vor fi proiectate zilnic cate 2 filme documentare cu tematica legata de respectarea drepturilor omului si importanta democratiei impreuna cu 2 scurt metraje. Proiectiile vor fi difuzate intre orele 17.00 si 20.00, iar accesul va fi gratuit.
Toate proiectiile sunt in limba engleza, nefiind subtitrate in limba romana.

Asociatia Pro Democratia and British Council Romania, in partnership with Casa de Cultura « Mihai Ursachi » Iasi invite you to the « Why Democracy » Documentary Film Festiva,l which will take place in Iasi between 25 and 29 April.
The films are part of an ample international project and have been directed by independent filmakers who received numerous awards at internationally renowned film festivals. The themes are very diverse: the methods of torture in American prisons, voting for a class president in a mock democratic election in China, the scandal which shook the international muslim community as a result of the publishing of a Danish comics trip of the Prophet Muhammed, etc.
We will be screening a combination of long and short documentaries everydayeach with a generic theme related to abiding human rights and the importance of democracy.
The screenings are free of charge and will take place between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m.
All the screenings are in English, without Romanian subtitles.

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